Tango Kernel and Doc meeting held at SOLARIS (Krakow, Poland)

Solaris (Krakow)



ul. Czerwone Maki 98, 30-392 Kraków
Andrew Goetz (ESRF), Reynald Bourtembourg
Meeting for all the TANGO kernel developers for defining the detailed roadmap and the strategy how to implement it. This will be followed by a Doc Camp to work actively on the documentation. Goals of the meeting: (1) Review outstanding issues for LTS 9 (2) Review proposal of IK for Tango V10 (3) Review documentation and propose improvements (4) Review web site Output of meeting: (1) Decide on a roadmap for V10 (2) All kernel participants to make at least 1 pull request on kernel code (3) All doc participants to write at least 1 page of documentation
  • Andrew Goetz
  • Reynald Bourtembourg