29–30 Jun 2022
Max IV Laboratory
Europe/Stockholm timezone

PUMA: a framework for web and native applications based on HTTP/SSE

30 Jun 2022, 11:00
MAX III Conference room (Max IV Laboratory)

MAX III Conference room

Max IV Laboratory

Fotongatan 2 - 224 84 Lund - Sweden
Presentation Morning


Giacomo Strangolino (Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste)


PUMA is a distributed framework to allow event based communication between multiple fault tolerant and load balanced services and web or native clients.
The communication protocol is based on HTTP and data is exchanged in the JSON format. NGINX offers load balancing and scalability while a supervisor orchestrates recovery operations in case one or more services fail.
On the client side, web applications can be designed using JavaScript and SVG. A designer makes the task easier. cumbia libs offer a module to exchange data with the services so that native C++ / Qt applications can run through HTTP as well as natively upon Tango.

keywords HTTP, SSE, NGINX, C++, PUMA, cumbia, JavaScript, SVG, web

Primary authors

Giacomo Strangolino (Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste) Lucio Zambon (Elettra)

Presentation materials