Jun 29 – 30, 2022
Max IV Laboratory
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Migration to Python 3 in NSRC SOLARIS

Jun 30, 2022, 9:30 AM
MAX III Conference room (Max IV Laboratory)

MAX III Conference room

Max IV Laboratory

Fotongatan 2 - 224 84 Lund - Sweden
Lightning talk Morning


Mr Michał Fałowski (NSRC SOLARIS)


Short update of migration to Python 3 in SOLARIS.
Goals, encountered problems and taken approach.

keywords migration,python 3, python 2

Primary authors

Adrianna Pytel (SOLARIS) Mr Ireneusz Zadworny (NSRC Solaris) Mr Michał Fałowski (NSRC SOLARIS) Mr Jarosław Kiraga (NSRC SOLARIS) Mr Maciej Grębla (NSRC SOLARIS) Michal Piekarski (SOLARIS) Mr Piotr Gretkierewicz (NSRC SOLARIS) Mr Piotr Trojanowski (NSRC SOLARIS) Mr Stanisław Cabała (NSRC SOLARIS) Mr Tomasz Noga (NSRC SOLARIS) Mr Wojciech Kitka (NSRC SOLARIS) Wojciech Zaremba (NSRC Solaris)

Presentation materials