Jun 27 – 29, 2023
Europe/London timezone

PyTango for LOFAR 2.0 stations

Jun 28, 2023, 3:30 PM
Council Chamber (SKAO)

Council Chamber


Jodrell Bank, Macclesfield SK11 9FT
Presentation TANGO Adoptions design and techniques TANGO Adoptions design and techniques


Corne Lukken


The use of SCADA systems is prevalent throughout scientific instruments. At
ASTRON Our main instruments (WSRT, LOFAR) rely on them for their control &
monitoring, including the upgraded LOFAR 2.0 telescope.

In this presentation we will present the case of LOFAR2.0, in which PyTango
plays a major role. We will show the software composition and the architecture
implemented for the LOFAR 2.0 station design. Including its different components and parts of its software architecture.

Furthermore, we will cover the challenges we overcame when using PyTango as
well as current impediments we are still experiencing. For a better
understanding of the scale and complexity of our instrument, we will explain
the hardware that will be used at each of the 52 stations of LOFAR 2.0
throughout Europe, the dataflow between stations and the central
processing clusters.

Primary author

Presentation materials