TANGO Web Tools: TANGO Web Tools
- Vincent Hardion (MAXIV Laboratory)
Special focus on tools that enable the use of TANGO Controls in a web based environment
Taranta is a web-based software developed by MaxIV and SKAO. It is used to interface with Tango devices and create custom dashboards. The continuous development of new features, improvements, and optimizations has brought the software to a good level of maturity and increased its usage among community users. In this talk, we will present the newly added and upcoming features, code quality...
Introduce the initial migration concept of State Grid application to web technology based on the TangoGQL Interface:
- Introduction of State Grid and United States applications,
- Present results of performance tests of querying multiple devices using the TangoGQL Interface. Discuss scaling possibilities and limitations,
- A few words about the choice of frontend technologies,
Polka is a web-based application that supports most of the basic functionalities of the well-known Astor. Our team is proud to use TangoGQL as the backend and Taranta Auth as the security layer to promote the idea of Zero Code-Waste.
The frontend was built with JavaScript and React, and supports mobile view.
During the presentation, I would like to demonstrate all the capabilities of...
IC@MS is a web-based application that supports functionalities of well known Panic GUI. Frontend was built with JavaScript and React. For backend, we used Python and Flask.
For purpose of IC@MS, we created our own Kubernetes instance and CI/CD model to deploy over 10 containers that are part of IC@MS system.
During the presentation, I would like to demonstrate functionalities of IC@MS in...
This presentation aims to share with the audience about the current refurbishment of the so-called "Machine Status" web application currently in progress at the ESRF.