Nov 17 – 18, 2020
zoom meeting
Europe/Paris timezone

Tango training video series

Nov 18, 2020, 3:20 PM
920 0515 0326 (zoom meeting)

920 0515 0326

zoom meeting

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Mr Matteo Canzari (INAF - OAAb)


During the last months, I worked to collect and edit some TANGO training videos. The effort aims to create a series of training videos, easily available by the community, to speed up the training process for the new people that are approaching using Tango. The work is still Work in progress, but the first part of the videos are available in a Google Drive folder. In the talk, I will show the expected publishing timeline, the structure of the video series. Furthermore, I will ask for some feedback from the community and I will show how to contribute.

Primary author

Mr Matteo Canzari (INAF - OAAb)

Presentation materials