2:00 PM
Status of ELI BL Control Systems
Birgit Ploetzeneder
(ELI Beamlines)
2:20 PM
C++ core library status
Thomas Braun
(byte physics)
2:40 PM
PyTango status report
Anton Joubert
(South African Radio Astronomy Observatory)
3:00 PM
Tango Contorls RFC status
Piotr Goryl
(S2Innovation Sp. z o.o.)
3:20 PM
Taurus status report
Carlos Pascual-Izarra
4:10 PM
Sardana Status Report
Zbigniew Reszela
4:30 PM
canone3: a new service and development framework for the web and platform independent applications
Giacomo Strangolino
(Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste)
Lucio Zambon
4:50 PM
React-based widgets for Waltz control system
Chernov Vasilii
5:10 PM
WebJive progress report and the WebJive team(s)
Giorgio Brajnik
(Interaction Design Solutions)
5:30 PM
HDB++ collaboration status
Lorenzo Pivetta
(ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste)