Afternoon session: Development status
- Vincent Hardion (MAX IV Laboratory)
Birgit Ploetzeneder
(ELI Beamlines)
11/17/20, 2:00 PM
Beamlines is moving towards more mature operations with some lasers/beamlines, while still in phase of intensive commissioning and ramp-up. This presentation updates on the progress we made with control systems integration and commissioning of our first significant DAQ systems. We also share some lessons we learned using LabVIEW with NI Linux RT on third-party hardware (barebones/virtualized),...
Anton Joubert
(South African Radio Astronomy Observatory)
11/17/20, 2:40 PM
News on recent PyTango developments
Piotr Goryl
(S2Innovation Sp. z o.o.)
11/17/20, 3:00 PM
The core specification of the Tango 9 protocol should be ready by the Tango Meeting.
In the current state, it can be used as a specification Tango v10 prototype and for a base for Tango v11 concepts. The result and summary status will be presented.
Carlos Pascual-Izarra
11/17/20, 3:20 PM
Taurus is a framework for creating GUIs and CLIs for the Control System using python and PyQt. This talk is a very quick status report on its latest developments.
Zbigniew Reszela
11/17/20, 4:10 PM
Sardana is a Python-based experiment control software used in several institutes within the Tango community. Among other features, it provides solution to motion and data acquisition control, powerful macro execution engine and a generic way of programming and executing scans, all these with the Taurus-based rich user interfaces.
Sardana is under continuous development and just recently...
Giacomo Strangolino
(Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste), Mr
Lucio Zambon
11/17/20, 4:30 PM
Following former web interfaces developed at ELETTRA as well as in other institutes, PUMA has been developed with the additional objectives of high availability, scalability, load balancing, responsiveness and customization.
Thorough analysis of Websocket limits led to an SSE based server technology relying on channels (Nchan over NGINX) to deliver the events to the clients. The development...
Chernov Vasilii
11/17/20, 4:50 PM
The report will consider the technique of integrating React components into the Waltz control system using the example of the development of GridWidget.
Giorgio Brajnik
(Interaction Design Solutions)
11/17/20, 5:10 PM
WebJive is a web application designed for rapid development and use of dashboards to monitor and control Tango devices. Over the last 6 months we, at MaxIV and SKA, have been adding new developments to it.
During this presentation I will give an overview of WebJive and show what the WebJive roadmap is at the moment, and collect feedback from the community. I will also present the...
Lorenzo Pivetta
(ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste)
11/17/20, 5:30 PM
The status of the HDB++ project is presented, with a special focus on production deployments.