17–18 Nov 2020
zoom meeting
Europe/Paris timezone

WebJive demo and architecture

18 Nov 2020, 11:30
920 0515 0326 (zoom meeting)

920 0515 0326

zoom meeting

Register in advance for this meeting: https://esrf.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkduyvpzkjGdZnmIFIR81jREzUaagWoqPM


Mr Matteo Canzari (INAF - OAAb)


* Demo of WebJive and recent dashboards (members of the SKA team) During this presentation we will discuss and showcase WebJive. Our aim is not only to present WebJive so that other teams can use it, but also present and discuss some architectural aspects of WebJive, and especially the most important component which connects the frontend to the Tango ecosystem. The architecture of WebJive encompasses several components, one of which is TangoGQL (a GraphQL gateway that connects the frontend single-page-application of WebJive to the Tango system). This part will be presented in the next session


Presenters will be members of the SKA and MaxIV teams

Primary author

Mr Matteo Canzari (INAF - OAAb)

Presentation materials