29–30 Jun 2022
Max IV Laboratory
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Tango C++ Library News

29 Jun 2022, 15:45
MAX III Conference room (Max IV Laboratory)

MAX III Conference room

Max IV Laboratory

Fotongatan 2 - 224 84 Lund - Sweden
Presentation Afternoon


Reynald Bourtembourg (ESRF) Thomas Braun (byte physics) Thomas Juerges (SKAO)


This talk will give fresh news from the cppTango (Tango C++ Library) development team.
The new release cycle will be presented as well as the main features and bug fixes which will be part of cppTango 9.4.0.
Changes impacting users in this coming version will be shown too.
Finally some news from the Tango Source Distribution and the Windows installer will be given.

keywords cppTango,news,tango-controls,Tango C++ library,Tango Source Distribution

Primary authors

Presentation materials