Jun 27 – 29, 2023
Europe/London timezone

Showcase of tools and solutions for the Tango infrastructure at the CALA laser centre

Jun 28, 2023, 9:00 AM
Council Chamber (SKAO)

Council Chamber


Jodrell Bank, Macclesfield SK11 9FT
Presentation TANGO Community Devices and Tools TANGO Community Devices and Tools


Leonard Doyle (Faculty of Physics, LMU Munich, Germany)


The Centre for Advanced Laser Applications (CALA) near Munich, Germany, is a university laser laboratory operating a high-power laser system and several experiment endstations. Although the system is quite large, resources are limited compared to a user facility both in budget and workforce. Our Tango based control system used for machine control and data acquisition is therefore often driven by the need for simple solutions and minimum complexity. After a general overview of our facility I will present some solutions to address these requirements, e.g. a simple alternative to using „nssm“ for Starter hosts in Windows, a Git monitor for easy deployment, and some first experiences with Taranta dashboards mixed with a custom synoptic view.

Primary author

Leonard Doyle (Faculty of Physics, LMU Munich, Germany)


Mr Felix Balling (CALA, LMU Munich, Germany) Mrs Sonja Gerlach (CALA, LMU Munich, Germany) Mr Andreas Münzer (CALA, LMU Munich, Germany) Mr Florian Schweiger (CALA, LMU Munich, Germany) Mr Vignesh Vaidyanathan (CALA, LMU Munich, Germany) Mr Nils Weiße (CALA, LMU Munich, Germany) Mr Andreas Döpp (CALA, LMU Munich, Germany) Prof. Jörg Schreiber (CALA, LMU Munich, Germany) Prof. Stefan Karsch (CALA, LMU Munich, Germany)

Presentation materials