The 38th Tango Community meeting will be hosted as an hybrid meeting by Synchrotron SOLEIL on the 28-30 May 2024.
Joining in presence requires registration and payment of fees. The amount of the registration fees is 100€ VAT included. They include coffee breaks and the meeting dinner on the 29th of May. It does not include lunches.
The deadline for in person registrations is **the 05th of May 2024 with payment**
The remote attendance is free of charge but still requires a registration. In this case, you can still register up the first day.
The Sardana Workshop satellite to the 38th Tango Community meeting will start right after, on 30th of May at 13:45 and will last one afternoon. The preliminary agenda is available here: https://gitlab.com/sardana-org/sardana-followup/-/blob/main/20240530-SOLEIL/AGENDA.md. The workshop is free of charge and the registration in based on sending an e-mail to Zbigniew Reszela from ALBA (zreszela@cells.es). You are all very welcome to join it! The link for the workshop is: https://rediris.zoom.us/j/96249616662?pwd=QUxxNFZ4ems4dTF0VnBSUmtUaWpMdz09
Meeting ID: 962 4961 6662
Passcode: 275716

The possible types of contributions are: