May 28 – 30, 2024
Synchrotron SOLEIL
Europe/Paris timezone


Joining in presence requires registration and payment of fees. The amount of the registration fees is 100€ VAT included. 

Payment by bank transfer

Thank you for transmitting your payment by bank transfer to the following account number:

Synchrotron SOLEIL BNP Paris Bas International Bank Account Number (IBAN): FR76 3000 4006 8400 0100 8245 430 Bank Identification Code (BIC): BNPAFRPPIFO With mentionning the name(s) of the participant(s) and the meeting reference: TangoMeeting2024 / AG 62240603 Your registration will be definitive as soon as your payment will be received.



Payment by order form only for French Public organism 

Please do not pay your fees. Please send an order form (which is mandatory for french public institutions) to the following address: Please indicate the name(s) of the participant(s), the service code Chorus Pro and the users meeting reference: TangoMeeting2024 / AG 62240603