May 28 – 30, 2024
Synchrotron SOLEIL
Europe/Paris timezone

SOLARIS status report

May 28, 2024, 2:40 PM
Amphitheatre main building (Synchrotron SOLEIL)

Amphitheatre main building

Synchrotron SOLEIL

L'Orme des Merisiers Départementale 128 91190 Saint-Aubin FRANCE
Presentation Facility status update


Michal Piekarski (SOLARIS) Michał Fałowski (NSRC SOLARIS)


This talk covers a comprehensive status update on the current state of the controls group of the SOLARIS synchrotron. We detail recent advancements in system architecture, software developments, and integration of new enhancements of the control infrastructure. Finally, we outline challenges in terms of systems migration and how we want to solve them as well as plans for the future.

Primary authors

Presentation materials