May 28 – 30, 2024
Synchrotron SOLEIL
Europe/Paris timezone

Pixi: Package management made easy

May 29, 2024, 11:00 AM
Amphitheatre main building (Synchrotron SOLEIL)

Amphitheatre main building

Synchrotron SOLEIL

L'Orme des Merisiers Départementale 128 91190 Saint-Aubin FRANCE
Presentation w/ demo TANGO community devices and tools


Benjamin Bertrand (MAX IV Laboratory)


Pixi is a new package management tool built on top of the conda ecosystem.
Drawing inspiration from modern package managers like Cargo, Poetry or Yarn, it introduces innovative workflows to enhance the developer experience.
Pixi, with its cross-platform compatibility (Windows, Mac and Linux) and speed (written in Rust), simplifies dependency management, making it a very good candidate to support Tango users.

The goal of this presentation is to give a quick overview of pixi and show how it can help both seasoned developers and newcomers to get started with Tango related projects.

Primary author

Benjamin Bertrand (MAX IV Laboratory)

Presentation materials