May 28 – 30, 2024
Synchrotron SOLEIL
Europe/Paris timezone

Tango v10 and IDLv6

May 28, 2024, 4:55 PM
Amphitheatre main building (Synchrotron SOLEIL)

Amphitheatre main building

Synchrotron SOLEIL

L'Orme des Merisiers Départementale 128 91190 Saint-Aubin FRANCE
Presentation w/ demo Tango kernel status report


Anton Joubert (MAX IV Laboratory) Thomas Juerges (SKAO)


A release candidate for Tango V10 (cppTango and PyTango) is expected to be made available during this community meeting. It is a release with new features that we announced at the previous community meeting. To implement the new features we had to modify the Tango IDL interface for the first time in 10 years. We believe that the demo that is embedded in this talk will show that it has been worth it to introduce a new major Tango version number.

Primary author

Anton Joubert (MAX IV Laboratory)


Presentation materials