17–18 Nov 2020
zoom meeting
Europe/Paris timezone

Tango Controls for Attosecond Optics laboratory at ICFO

17 Nov 2020, 10:40
920 0515 0326 (zoom meeting)

920 0515 0326

zoom meeting

Register in advance for this meeting: https://esrf.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkduyvpzkjGdZnmIFIR81jREzUaagWoqPM


Mr Michal Gandor (S2Innovation)


We as S2Innovation would like to summerize and present our work done for ICFO Laboratory. The presentation will deliver information about a distributed tango controls system designed, based on 6 raspberry pi'es. We would like to discuss the system itself, as long as problems we encountered during implementation. We had lots of preformance issues regarding Webjive.

Primary authors

Mr Michal Gandor (S2Innovation) Mr Piotr Goryl (S2Innovation Sp. z o.o.) Wojciech Kitka (Solaris)

Presentation materials