May 11 – 12, 2023
ALBA Synchrotron Light Source
Europe/Andorra timezone

In the TANGO Community there is a series of Specific Interest Group (SIG) Meetings that are hosted by different facilities from the TANGO Collaboration. Those meetings help to discuss and align specific topics that require development coordination between institutes.

In this one, we will discuss about new IDL v6 (the file that contains interface and data type library definitions in Tango) ; and which changes implies in the next TANGO major release.

The current list of topics is:

 - Changes in IDL6
 - New logging system
 - New Alarm events
 - Multidimensional arrays
 - Multiple parameters in commands
 - CI/CD and testing of the new release?

The IDL6 file will be considered as the "deliverable" of the meeting.

The meeting will be held (locally and remotely) at ALBA Synchrotron (Barcelona, Spain):

ALBA Synchrotron Light Source
ALBA SYNCHROTRON Carrer de la Llum 2-26 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain Tel: +34 93 592 43 00 Coordinates: +41°29'12.38", +2°6'35.74" (41.486773, 2.109929)
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The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.