28–30 May 2024
Synchrotron SOLEIL
Europe/Paris timezone

cppTango status report

28 May 2024, 16:15
Amphitheatre main building (Synchrotron SOLEIL)

Amphitheatre main building

Synchrotron SOLEIL

L'Orme des Merisiers Départementale 128 91190 Saint-Aubin FRANCE


Thomas Braun (byte physics e.K.) Thomas Ives (Observatory Sciences Ltd) Thomas Juerges (SKAO)


What has been done in cppTango over the last year? Join in this talk to find it out.

Primary author

Thomas Braun (byte physics e.K.)


Damien Lacoste (ESRF) Reynald Bourtembourg (ESRF) Thomas Ives (Observatory Sciences Ltd) Thomas Juerges (SKAO)

Presentation materials