17–18 Nov 2020
zoom meeting
Europe/Paris timezone

Sardana Status Report

17 Nov 2020, 16:10
920 0515 0326 (zoom meeting)

920 0515 0326

zoom meeting

Register in advance for this meeting: https://esrf.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkduyvpzkjGdZnmIFIR81jREzUaagWoqPM


Mr Zbigniew Reszela (ALBA)


Sardana is a Python-based experiment control software used in several institutes within the Tango community. Among other features, it provides solution to motion and data acquisition control, powerful macro execution engine and a generic way of programming and executing scans, all these with the Taurus-based rich user interfaces. Sardana is under continuous development and just recently achieved a major milestone - v3 release which is Python 3 compatible. In this talk we will present the project status report, review the v3 release and the upgrade process at different sites.

Primary author

Presentation materials