October 7, 2023
Century City Convention Centre
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

This workshop is a continuation in the series of ICALEPCS workshops on Tango Controls. Tango Controls is a toolkit for building modern distributed control systems in C++, Python, and/or Java. It is destined for people who are new to Tango but also for those who want to get an update on the latest tools in Tango. The workshop provides hands-on exercises and examples which attendees can try during or after the workshop. Attendees will acquire a good understanding of the concepts of Tango and its tools for building an object oriented distributed control system.

Prerequisites for participants (per talk):

  • All:

    • Python3

    • Pip3

    • Optionally create and use a virtual environment

      • python3 -m venv my_virtual_env

      • source my_virtual_env

  • Tango Basics:

    • pip install itango3

  • Sardana Macros:

  • Taurus Tutorial:

    • conda create -y -c conda-forge -n taurus_tutorial taurus taurus_pyqtgraph qt=5.12 pytango=9.3 guidata=2.3.1 tango-test

    • pip install pyhdbpp

    • conda activate taurus_tutorial

Century City Convention Centre
Registration for this event is currently open.