Tango Controls Workshop @ ICALEPCS 2023 South Africa

11 (Century City Convention Centre)


Century City Convention Centre

Andrew Goetz (ESRF), Devon Petrie

This workshop is a continuation in the series of ICALEPCS workshops on Tango Controls. Tango Controls is a toolkit for building modern distributed control systems in C++, Python, and/or Java. It is destined for people who are new to Tango but also for those who want to get an update on the latest tools in Tango. The workshop provides hands-on exercises and examples which attendees can try during or after the workshop. Attendees will acquire a good understanding of the concepts of Tango and its tools for building an object oriented distributed control system.

Prerequisites for participants (per talk):

  • All:

    • Python3

    • Pip3

    • Optionally create and use a virtual environment

      • python3 -m venv my_virtual_env

      • source my_virtual_env

  • Tango Basics:

    • pip install itango3

  • Sardana Macros:

  • Taurus Tutorial:

    • conda create -y -c conda-forge -n taurus_tutorial taurus taurus_pyqtgraph qt=5.12 pytango=9.3 guidata=2.3.1 tango-test

    • pip install pyhdbpp

    • conda activate taurus_tutorial

Tango Controls Workshop
    • 1
      Tango Controls Basics
      Speakers: Mr Devon Petrie, Thomas Juerges (SKAO)
    • 2
      Practical Session Using Rasberry PI
      Speakers: Devon Petrie, Thomas Juerges (SKAO)
    • 9:55 AM
      Coffee/Tea Break
    • 3
      Managing device servers

      Demo on how to create/configure/start/stop device servers from console without Jive/Astor so one can automate the creation and configuration of the Control System.

      Speaker: Sergi Rubio Manrique (ALBA Synchotron)
    • 4
      Developing a Tango device in a k8s context

      This highlights how k8s is used in the ska development to deploy tango devices.

      Depending on how much time we have this session will also explore snippets from ska-tango-examples for a quick start on using tango and a demo on usage of the ska-tango-operator.

      Speaker: Matteo Di Carlo (INAF)
    • 5
      HDB++ Installation and configuration
      Speakers: Damien Lacoste, Lorenzo Pivetta (ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste)
    • 12:30 PM
    • 6
    • 7
      Sardana Macros

      Basic examples with standard clients: Spock, Macro Executor, and Macro Button

      Speaker: Zbigniew Reszela (ALBA)
    • 8

      Taranta is a web client for creating web dashboards for monitoring and controlling Tango devices.

      Speaker: Canzari Matteo (INAF)
    • 3:00 PM
      Coffee/Tea Break
    • 9
      Taurus Tutorial

      Basic tools (Taurus Form and Taurus Trend)
      Taurus GUI
      Program a GUI with Qt Designer
      Program a GUI by code

      Speaker: Zbigniew Reszela (ALBA)
    • 10
      Open Discussion

      Q & A